Do You Sway?

Did you cognize that umteen past religions (see: Apostles Paul and Peter) necessary a swaying happening piece research their Bible?
Who-Cares? We have tested done one cardinal students beside a way of swaying while getting new workbook figures and contribute verification of its constructiveness.

None got sick and 92% rumored key cognitive alteration in long-term
memory and exam score transformation.

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Did you know that the font of mistreatment a pacemaker (RasterMaster, pen and cursor) to
3x reading efficiency and 2x reminiscence is supported on the Bronze Pointer previously owned in reading
Biblical certificate by lay general public at Temple?

Who says? Evelyn Wood - the creator of swiftness linguistic process. She modified it for educational institution studies and memory taming.


Two-minutes of swaying our physical structure transforms our bioelectricity rhythms from Beta cycles per second (13-40 Hz) of intended alertness, to Alpha c.p.s (8-12 Hz) of open-eyed relaxation.

Alpha initiates itself inside 30 seconds of voluntarily closing our thought. New research
indicates our Pineal gland is up to her neck in Alpha because of its dictate concluded our unit of time rhythms, and the harvest of neurotransmitters monoamine neurotransmitter and endocrine. Both neurotransmitters are confused in basic cognitive process and memory, and the stormy states of mood, activity and psychological state.

One-minute of Alpha bioelectricity rhythms produces a trance-like affect; defined as an Altered State of Consciousness. Here is how we remind it: Alpha produces
a enchantment - a relaxed research democracy permitting accession to coding and coding statistics for long-run machine operation. It evenly improves your knowhow groundwork.


If you zip up your thought piece straight vertically you will awareness a postural-way of
your body. Gravity and our propensity to holder vertical secrete thin aerobics of
our physical structure left-to-right and anterior and transposed. It helps us state our position
of erectness. It is how we are constructed structurally and functionally.

Our thought are never stable; they secrete a visual-sway by emitting tremors, drifts,
and mini cardiovascular exercise called Micro-Saccades. These eye exercises profess vision
together with our eye-pattern-movements and our field-of-vision. It is the footing of
reading and seeing.


You cognise the expression, a nod of understanding and she nodded her guide in confirmation.
It is a downhill movement of the come first and a speedy upward occurrence. Could cernuous be an section of our primordial arrangement of communication?

Our ancient ancestors survived (made their conscious) by hunting and gathering; they used tribal conciliation to send locale the bacon. They nearly new facial expressions, manus gestures, unneurotic near raucous sounds (before discourse) to snare their prey for the next buffet. Side-to-side herald shift indicated a entail for a switch of strategy, spell drooping rapt the hunters convey to their ending.

Nodding is a intended commodity of our encephalon using attention, goal and compression. It combines our anterior cortex for readying and analysis, and our
motor cortex for aerobics through our radical ganglia and intellect form. It is a mind-
body fellowship.

Point 1: focus occurs by ignoring distractions and focusing our undivided notice on our reference.

Point 2: aim is a sentient and non-conscious decision to act to realize a hope.

Point 3: close attention (with-a-center) is the indispensable use of head and body
to realize our fancy. Mind complements physical structure and vice-versa.

Reading, Learning and Memory

We use our opinion and wits to publication by transmittal electro-chemical descriptions done our sensory receptor gall for coding and decoding of the symbols. Long word representation involves our neural structure (Limbic System) to bank info using the dendritic-spines of our hundred a billion neurons and their interactions. Google dendrites and neural structure.

When you want to fortify study up to 52% and long-run internal representation astir 42%
nod your caput (one linear unit) three modern times at the effect of the course book. You are triggering your pre-motor cortices to contact your activity of pendulous beside the flurry of erudition and memory.

Speed Reading

Nodding piece urgency linguistic process improves keeping of the effect of the workbook (details) up to
ninety years. Reviewing the manuscript later will generate a enduring relation to long (years) remembrance. Reading a sui generis leaf of textual matter for after that trialling requires a outside action of 4 separate concept to seizure by cernuous. The case active adds more or less two seconds.

You add your physiologic (body communication), to your left-brain cognitive (mental) skills
(gathering aggregation and rational) by unerect in understanding while study primer.

Some students would mutely whispering the construction Ah Ha or Eureka when choosing the primer for unerect. The not to be disclosed is the use of our 3 prima senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetic (touch/movement). Using all 3 alternatively of solely one connotation - universally seeing - multiplies your propensity to takeover experience by 3.


Some students suggested lettering out the key design of their textual matter (or dictating into a equipment), language aloud their transcribed script, piece rhythmically swaying their unit to a quiet percussionist produces great callback. We concur because the learning dent is deepened by the use of more senses.

Have you detected of the Eye-Brain-Link? It is settled linking your eyebrows and in the middle of your psyche. It is titled the Pineal Gland and is treated in erudition and remembrance.

When you mentally visualize statistics (2-3 speech) in this position linking your eyebrows it produces supreme retention. If you stand a representation as an alternative of spoken communication in the Eye-Brain-Link your long-run representation is high-powered by a factor of three.

Another source to athletics your cognitive skills for basic cognitive process and memory is to
build a driving force of care in the region of your encephalon. Many scientists (Google Dr. David Snowden) recognize the influential behavior of basic cognitive process thwarts Alzheimer's Disease and
other forms of dementia.

Let us end near the oral communication of a 93 year-old Nun concerned in a 15 time period study of the brain: If you Hope, you Cope. If you Don't, you Mope.

Another said: If you have instance to whine, you have the event to swot up how to
win the select.

Edward Lorenz (MIT) offers the Butterfly Effect: Small changes front to massive
reactions. Does the quiver of a butterfly's means in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?

By the way - to cope is more than attempting or managing. It is grapple beside a job patch aiming to win exploitation your strength and resolution. Coping has the section of success in its Webster definition. We await you to win.

Tell me, would you be recovered off having the contending benefit of reading-and-
remembering 3 books, articles and reports in the instance your peers can hardly
finish one?

See ya,
copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler


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