Why is my body to out of whack$%: Well, when you think about it, why shouldn't it be$%: Our bodies were made to live off of the "fruit of the land". This, by definition, means that is was only meant to digest natural nutrition. Our bodies were not designed to deal with chemical additives such as preservatives. We were also not meant to eat hormonally enhanced beef or chicken.

Science has proven that eating these items are necessary in order to ensure that there is enough food for everyone to eat, and to keep them from spoiling and causing health issues. However, at what price do these alterations come$%: Yes, we are not suffering any immediate or major health repercussions when we are eating these foods instead of natural nutrition. But, what if our bodies are changing because of our continually pushing these additives into our digestive system$%: Also, if our bodies are changing, are these changes for the better$%: How are these foods benefiting us more than if we were to eat a diet of natural nutrition$%:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it! A hundred years ago, we ate a diet of total natural nutrition. So, why the sudden change with using chemicals, preservatives, and genetics$%: Many people will argue that it is due to increased population that we must use these items instead of natural nutrition. How else could we generate enough food for everyone to eat in the world, and ensure that it doesn't spoil on the shelves before we eat it$%: However, the answer is simpler than you realize.


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The answer is money. Money is the reason that our diets have strayed from one of total natural nutrition. With so much money lost on food products due to insects and spoiling, the quest for coming up with more effective numbers was born. First there were insecticides, which gave any farmer an advantage over others due to their being able to sell more of their crops. Then there were genetically engineered vegetables, so that they could withstand disease, harsher weather, and spoiling. Lastly there were hormonally enhanced animals that would have more meat, since all meats are sold by the pound. However, is all of this non-natural nutrition efficiency paying off in the end, or are we simply weakening the human genome$%:

Our bodies are perfectly balanced machines. It is hard to find a more complex organism on the planet. Our bodies are perfect in almost every way, save cellular decay which leads to aging. We were actually meant to eat bacteria, and our bodies were made to deal with those bacteria. With so many anti-bacterial preservatives, anti-bacterial soaps, and anti-bacterial sprays, how are our bodies' immune systems faring$%: We are meant to deal with bacteria found in natural nutrition and our immune systems are meant to adapt and change accordingly. But, with using so many anti-bacterial products, the only thing that seems constant is that bacteria are growing more and more potent, while our immune systems are not.

Consuming a diet of natural nutrition will bring your body back to center. More and more studies are being done every year on the affect of hormonally, chemically, and genetically altered meats and vegetables. Some of the reports are serious enough to convince a large portion of the American consumers to start buying organic, or unaltered food products, and to eat a diet of all natural nutrition. Thus, a whole new consumer market, and thus consumer marketing, division is created!

My grocery list consists of natural nutrition items, including many fruits and vegetables, instead of buying packaged or canned items. I have seen a significant change in my energy levels, as well as a much more consistent and regular bowel schedule. Organic meats, eggs, milk, and cheeses are also available at most supermarkets and grocery chains. Yes, the prices are usually premium prices, but the benefits of eating a natural nutrition diet are definitely worth it. "You get what you pay for" is an expression that I have always found to be true when dealing with 99% of the products available to consumers. The benefits of natural nutrition are worth your time and money.

Natural nutrition will benefit you and your children. A great deal of the motivation behind all natural nutrition products are our children. A child's immune system and rapidly growing bodies are hungry for nutritional foods. Getting ill is a natural part of the healthy development of our immune systems when we are young as well. A sniffle is not the enemy. Plus, scientists are not sure as to how hormonally altered products affect a mother's milk that she is feeding to her baby each day. The truth is that we, as consumers, don't know the affects of not eating a natural nutrition diet. We have survived and thrived for centuries on an all natural nutrition diet, and would continue to do so if we maintained this diet of natural nutrition. However, we cannot for certain say the same for ourselves if we don't.

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